Any suggestions/preferences for tomorrow

Hey guys,
Just trying to think ahead for agenda…

Propose we can

  • Discuss ideas on problem board in more detail (
  • Happy to structure this so we can brainstorm possible solutions/ideas/tests and next steps?
  • Does anyone want to do a lightning talk? I’ve got some bits on UX I can share (examples of workflow, user testing/ research

I’ll bring some retrocomputing kit and some soldering work I’ve been putting off - not exactly a spectator sport but I can talk about my projects to anyone who’ll listen! The combination of 1980’s home computers and Raspberry Pi is a special interest of mine.

Yes, cracking on with the problems sounds good to me. And breaking out into smaller groups to do specific things, e.g. Ed’s and your show and tells (shows and tells?), further research on air pollution, etc.
We could also usefully come up with a shopping list for things we want to buy now (as well as further thoughts about big-ticket items to bring in the punters), as Lisa is happy for us to go ahead with this. And talk about a leaflet design & content.