At the start of each week, we will share a theme that’s designed to jumpstart your journey of creative expression and problem solving where you create a digital making project you’re proud of. Every week, we’ll have code-along videos led by people from our team. They will walk you through projects from our free projects collection, to give you a place to start and a friendly face to accompany you!
I see there’s also a guide for the responsible adult:
Might be useful to list the various available models and their qualities
- pi zero is cheapest and smallest
- pi zero W adds wifi, WH adds a prefitted 40 pin expansion for I/O
- pi 3B+ is quad core, 1G RAM, has wifi, ethernet
- pi 3A+ is ideal for embedded computing, smaller and cheaper than 3B+
- pi 2, 3 and 4 are all-purpose, in increasing order of performance and need for high quality power supplies. Can be powered from the 40 pin header.
- pi 400 is an all-in-keyboard computer, a tad faster than pi 4, still with the 40 pin expansion connector, but needs a separate (and high quality) power supply.
We will have a variety of Pi models available in the Tech Shed, for experiments and also so you can try-before-you-Pi for your own projects.
I see the latest issue of MagPi magazine (free PDF download) has some pi 400 project ideas. It’s also got a two-page article on PiTubeDirect, a retrocomputing project I had a hand in (although I narrowly miss
a name-check.)
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