Setting up a discourse site

Hey gang…
Just looking for some advice…I’d like to setup a discourse forum for another community project I’m in. What do I need to look for with hosting. Is it ‘cloud hosting’? How can I spot if a host can support a discourse instance?

Think i’ve answered my own question it needs to be ’ Docker-compatible cloud provider’

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I’ve used Digital Ocean in the past, and Hetzner for this one. Check for lots of advice. Notably, in the case of Digital Ocean they recommend using the bare Ubuntu host and following the docker-style installation guide, not using the provider’s packaged Discourse offering.

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Digital Ocean is probably a simpler service to get up and running with, but others (e.g. AWS) support containers too.

I mention AWS as it’s potentially really cheap.
(I can never work out how free their free their is in the real world, but for a low powered host, you get 750hrs free per month, so potentially free if it performs well enough)

I’ve a feeling AWS takes a bit of a learning curve - there’s an implicit warning in the way that it’s hard to tell what can be got for free!

Here are some notes I took earlier this year:

There are various cheapo options listed and linked here:

mentioned: hetzner, ovh, scaleway

mentioned: linode, vultr