Telepresence ideas for de-isolation

I noticed a robots-in-schools article in Frome Times, for children who are unable to attend:
Robot support a big hit for Frome schools

The AV1 robots support children who can’t be in school or college, whether it’s because they are sick or overcoming physical or mental health challenges. They take the place of the child in the classroom, letting them see, hear and contribute to lessons while they are at home or in a hospital bed.

The robots are carried from lesson to lesson by a ‘buddy’ classmate. The child watches on a safe encrypted livestream of their lessons on a tablet or phone and can ask questions, hear answers and move the robot’s head to look around the room.

In my own life, I’m considering using long-running video calls, perhaps using FaceTime, or Skype, to keep a connection with people confined to home - the elderly, the sick, and perhaps the not-yet-sick-but-staying-in. Having an iPad or similar sitting on a table allows for a kind of telepresence, especially in a fairly chatty household.

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