Wednesday report: Anna Francis and air quality (and more)

Anna Francis joined us at our regular Wednesday meetup yesterday (2019-08-21). As the Resilience Manager for Frome Town Council she’s involved in many projects related to community, quality of life, and moving Frome towards being a Zero Carbon town.

The first major topic under discussion was Air Quality monitoring, and whether we the TechShed could help with making something more thorough, more immediate, and more accessible, than the current one or two air quality monitors in place. No doubt we’ll start a project thread to cover our findings and our thinking. We pretty much decided to make next week’s meeting all about this project idea.

The second topic was about Skill Sharing, which we thought had some resemblance to our own Skills Matrix idea. We’ll have to see if we can come up with two or three punchy statements of skills we could share in a session, which would have some appeal to the townspeople. Watch this space!

We had six members in attendance at the session, held as usual in Edventure’s loft space at the Welshmill Hub on Park Hill Drive.