Hey everyone.
We’re still trying to keep online sessions going - if you have any suggestions on what might work for you, please let us know.
Weekly Poll Suggestions
Here’s my current list for possible topics for a poll. I’ve carried them over from last week, but made a new topic to help make it visible.
It’s pretty much all coding-based as microcontrollers etc. are a bit trickier to colab on on video chat (might be doable, but could be a bit one-sided).
- Explore video via web RTC - pretty topical, kind of interesting, doesn’t look that hard
- We’ve had some questions on getting people set up on Zoom - in theory, this should be easier as there’s nothing to install - it works in a browser e.g. https://rtcmulticonnection.herokuapp.com/demos/
- Town search for lockdown - most sources of info on food delivery etc. are curated lists of links (basically a bit of a Google vs the Yahoo directory listings appearing across social media & Wordpress sites)
- Is a local search based on scraping this info & presenting it well useful? Doable? A valid approach?
- While thinking about this, I did wonder why Google hasn’t made a move - seems like it would be relatively trivial from the heir position - the only thing (aside from their COVID info features) I could find was a story suggesting Google Maps had a new feature but it only seems to be for standard takeaways, not the wider range of businesses currently offering help, or volunteer orgs etc.
- Basic python web projects - e.g. Flask API or Django - a few people are learning or want to learn python, so a reasonable code
- Firebase for rapid project dev - tried it for the first time in years last week - interesting option for getting something off the ground, also has realtime synching to the browser, so potential for live colab apps
- Cloud hosting/serverless functions etc. - I’m only starting out, but good to work through something
- Machine learning - e.g. find a classification task, a non image task and apply image classifcation to that (or try something from PapersWithCode again)
- Toy Library
An thoughts on the above or suggestions are welcome as always.